Kristen Stewart in a Black Leather Dress and Robert Pattinson at the "Twilight" Tokyo Press Conference

Kristen Stewart sexy legs highheels

sexy hot Kristen Stewart outtake from old Vanity Fair shoot

Twilight: Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) and Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) on Cover of Entertainment Weekly
In my opinion, this is the best photo of Kristen Stewart I've seen ever! Her face is so angelic
I always imagined Bella a little... u know, taller, because of her clumsiness. Edward looks horrible. I pictured him a little buffer and his hair should be bronze. I know Mike said Bella has red in her hair, but does anyone remember what happened after that? SHE SAID "ONLY IN THE SUN!" Even if it wasn't just in the sun, it shouldn't be that dark. She should have light brown hair, it shouldn't be all swirly and preppy, it should be straight and flat and shoulder length. She NEEDS to be paler and so does edward. I'm thanking god right now that that is not what they look like in the movie. There are over 1000 things I could find wrong with this pair of actors, but I'm afraid my computer will freeze up and for some reason I'll run out of the unlimited room that I have to write. But, I'll attempt to try to do it. Here I go *cracks knuckles* Bella can't be that pretty ( I think that's the first time anyone has ever looked wrong by being too gorgeous) Edward, on the other hand, needs to be MORE gorgeous, not the girly way. I think my grandma owns the dress that Kristen's wearing, Someone from the 7th Century owns Edward's clothes, and they need to look better overall. Maybe Edward and Bella should just let Alice do all the shopping for them. I think I'm the only one that noticed but... Bella's also wearing jewlery. And it's not the bracelet that she got from Jacob with the wolf and the heart. It's some metal gold one. PUH-LEASE PEOPLE AT THE STUDIO, DON'T MESS UP THIS MOVIE. I don't think they realize that the director has to live up to expectations of thousands of people around the world and so far she's doing a sucky job. Don't get me wrong, I'll still be anticipating the movie, but everytime I see a bad picture or hear about something happenng in the movie that wasn't in the book, I die a little on the inside. I'M PRACTICALLY DEAD! There's more negative thoughts where those came from

Twilight: New Photos of the Cast on Set with Popstar Magazine

New Moon Book Cover

Kristen Stewart was spotted at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards.Fresh from her “New Moon” shoot in Italy, Miss Stewart was more than happy to strike a few poses for the paparazzi outside the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, California.And the “Twilight” cutie definitely displayed her own flavor of fashion in a funky black and red dress teamed with a pair of black Converse All-Stars.Tonight’s show is being hosted by Andy Samberg and will include appearances by Kristen’s on-screen cohorts Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.

Kristen Stewart is playing Bella Swan in the Twilight movie that's coming out in December 2008. I am EXTREMELY excited as I have completely fallen in love with this series. I also think Kristen is exactly how I imagined Bella so I am sooooo happy with that casting choice
she looks really butiful
in parts of the movie shes blonde... when the hell does bells a blonde hair?she has evey thing right except her eyes and her hair length and color